If I could just say one thing, it would to spend at least 30 minutes EVERY DAY being active.
I completely get how our lives are super busy. Go and exercise, anyway! You can do it!
As you very well know, there are lots of fitness trackers and apps that can help you. However, there are studies that show that these tools eventually drop off in their ability to help you maintain an active lifestyle.
Instead, a permanent change in active lifestyle is more strongly related to building relationships with people and friends who can hold you accountable (and encourage) to keep going.
Regardless of your program, you need the absolute minimum steps to get a consistant and permanent exercise regimen:
Proven Success Plan:
Get a workout buddy
You will help them and they can help you. It will be less likely that BOTH of you will want to skip leg day!
Set a short-term goal
Think about what measurement you want to improve. Time spent on Cardio, Strength Training, or Balance? Upper body, Legs, Abs? Miles run? Reps and Weights?
You get that there are lots of different ways to measure success. Pick one that can give you the immediate success you are looking for.
Track your progress.
Track your progress (even if it is just a checkmark on a calendar) so that you can see how long and how far you have been able to go. For each day you succeed, the easier it becomes to succeed the next day.
My Current Goals and Objectives:
Recently started doing the One-Punch-Man Workout. I'm Not Even Close, but I am striving towards -
100 pushups
100 squats
100 situps
10 km run
Every day!
Though I have yet to do this for a consistant period of time, I can say that this and other programs have helped me exercise more days this year than I have in the last decade. That is saying something, because I used to be able to count on one hand how many times I went on a run in a year.
My Go-to Tools (For Now)
Great way to connect with my friends and track progress over time
My daily tracker. You can also do similar with Garmin, Apple, or other fitness trackers.
See Also: